While I am firm believer in the "food first" mentality, that doesn't negate the fact that supplements can be very helpful (and sometimes necessary) in helping people bridge the gap in meeting their nutritional needs. Supplements may be considered items like protein products, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc that come in an array of bars, powders, drinks, and/or capsules depending on what the supplement is.
Supplements are categorized by the Australian Institute of Sport into classes (A, B, C, D) according the amount of research that does or does not exist to support use and biologic plausibility of said supplement(s).
Legion Athletics uses scientific research to provide quality pre and post workout aids, protein supplements, sleep aids, and more to help you bridge the gaps in your diet without any artificial flavoring, food dyes, or banned substances. Third party tested Legion can help you meet your needs. Check 'em out and see if they might be for you. And if you do decide to give them a go, click the button below to save 20% off your first purchase and get double points for future savings on every purchase after that. I do get a small kickback when you use my code STRONGROOTS at checkout, so thank you if you do!