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9 Ways to Start Holding Yourself Accountable That Don't Involve Social Media


Updated: Jun 19, 2024



the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility



the action of checking or providing the validity or accuracy of something ; the recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile

Over the years, and much more recently, I have read posts on social media that sound something like this:

“I am posting this on social media to hold myself accountable to my goal of … [insert goal here].” Some may even say “I am posting this on social media in hopes of holding myself accountable to my goal of … [insert goal here].”

How we think, and how we word things, has more of an impact on our ability to get things done and reach goals than we give credit. Mental clarity, health, and positivity is everything. Replace “I hope to” with “I will,” and change your goals to To-Do Lists, with realistic deadlines.

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

-Henry Ford

Go back and read the definitions at the start of this post and think long and hard (be real with yourself) which of the two you are truly getting from posting personal goals on social media. Yes, when we share, it absolutely helps to encourage others and spread positivity, I have no doubt. I post accomplishments and milestones on social media frequently to motivate others. You never know who is reading. I have found out years later, people who RARELY hit that like button (validation), have been positively influenced by my vegan lifestyle and cross training journey through dance and running. I found out through conversation and real human connection!!! Not through like button hits.

When we post and people hit like, love, wow, sad, mad, it VALIDATES our feelings, actions, motives, opinions, etc, but it does not hold us ACCOUNTABLE. We have gotten these words twisted. They are not interchangeable.

Accountability goes hand in hand with responsibility. Responsibility and accountability comes from within. Sure, having cheerleaders and coaches helps, but only we can put the work in and achieve our life goals.

If you want or need to feel validated (and don’t we all) from time to time, continue to post your goals and journey on social media. If you want to hold yourself more accountable:

- Set alar

ms: to wake up, to go to bed, to take your vitamins, etc.

- Keep a food & water and/or exercise log. We recommend MyFitnessPal: add me as a friend! JWhelan36, for logging food, and the Plant Nanny App for tracking water!

- Track your body composition: Your Body Fat % to Muscle ratio. Tracking your total body weight can feel discouraging when you’re adding muscle! You can get one on Amazong for less than $25! I use Abyon, and it connects to an app on your phone to help track progress.

- Invest in a personal trainer, nutritionist, private instructor, classes, whatever it is that aligns with your goals, and schedule/lifestyle. When we invest money into things are less likely to quit because 1) We don’t want to waste money, and 2) We don’t want to feel like we are letting our coach or instructor down by not showing up.

- Invest $5-$10 (or less!) into a dry erase board/calendar to write daily reminders and to-do’s.

- Invest in a cork board to pin important notes to.

- Write yourself a note … or a million. Post-its are my real life BFF.

- Schedule your workouts into your calendar in the same way you would schedule doctor’s appointments.

- Get up and make your bed and start with some household chores, and maybe even give a little stretch. Seriously! It helps set the tone for the day. Small accomplishments will lead to a feeling of accomplishment, and bigger wins later in the day.

These are just a few simple ways that you can begin to s

tart holding yourself more accountable toward your goals, whatever they may be! What are some of your favorite ways to hold yourself accountable? Share with me!

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