Veganism is not a lifestyle I ever foresaw myself living. I was raised on meat and dairy my entire Italian life, until I got to college at the age of 18. With a long-term interest in nutrition, I entered college as a B.F.A Dance major and began researching and experimenting with different eating styles. Two months into school I gave up meat entirely and noticed a positive change in my body and the way I felt. I lost 20 pounds! Twenty pounds I didn’t even think I had to lose. For the next few years I went back and forth with eating dairy until I one day decided to make a conscious effort to exclude dairy from my diet, as I realized I was rarely consuming dairy products as it was, and further research proved I should be avoiding it.
Amidst my journey through college I added Nutrition: Dietetics to deepen my understanding, and form a healthier relationship with food. Growing up as a dancer, body image was a glaring issue, and I didn’t fully understand how to make the transition into veganism, nor what was an appropriate intake for me, especially as a young athlete.
I graduated college in stages: first with my BFA Dance degree in May 2012. I dropped nutrition as a second major due to time constraints, but with the rampant health issues in my family such as Hypertension, Thyroid conditions, High Cholesterol, and especially cancer, it was more important than ever for me to complete my nutrition degree. Being a woman who struggled with food and fitness growing up as a dancer, it was important for me to understand nutrition so that I could not only help my dancers become better dancers by helping them build their technique, but by also helping them lead healthy lifestyles. I went on to complete and graduate with my BS Nutrition: Dietetics degree in May 2016, several weeks after my grandmother lost her battle with Pancreatic Cancer.
Aside from thriving as a dancer on a vegan lifestyle, I actively work as a private personal trainer, and participate in several long distance races each year. May 1, 2016 I ran my first long distance race, the Philadelphia Broad Street 10 Miler. It was originally to honor my grandmother, but in the end was in her memory. All that I train for, and the way that I lead my life is with my grandmother in mind. This strong woman was given just a few months to live, but fought for 3 years. No race that I ever run/bike/swim, no dance step that I ever perform, will ever be as difficult as the disease she fought. This is what continues to fuel me and drive me forward.
It is my goal to help guide others, find what drives you, and help you form the habits you need to transform your lifestyle into a sustainable one that will ultimately make you a better version of yourself.
